1 September 1999
First, let me say what this is not. This is not a movie with high artistic quality. Even when one reminds oneself of the fact that it is meant as a simple comedy, probably a family comedy, it still has a plot with too many coincidences (so many that they become predictable - now the monkey is here, she will not be looking, but when it's gone, and the man comes in, she will) and flat, caricatural characters. But it also is not supposed to be a high-quality movie. It's supposed to be funny.

And funny it is. The movie is full of funny ideas, all worked out in a good, classy manner. Even the basest of jokes are done in good style. Just relax - and laugh. And you'll keep laughing through most of the movie. The monkey (that's a negative point - technically an urang utan is an ape, not a monkey) is well in its place as a comedy actor, and as said - the ideas are good, the working-out is even better.

Not 'the best movie you'll ever see', not even close. Not a 'must-see movie'. But a very pleasant way to spend 90 minutes. And enjoyable for both adults and children, that's worth something too.
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