8 July 1999
My Age: 13

Dr. Guy Luthan, played by Hugh Grant, begins making enquiries when the body of one of his patients who died under suspicious circumstances disappears. There are certain people who don't want these enquiries made. They are led by Dr. Lawrence Myrick, played by Gene Hackman, who is experimenting with people to cure diseases. But he is breaking the law by testing people instead of animals. Guy uncovers this plan and must put a stop to it.

Rather boring throughout most of its length, Extreme Measures isn't much of a thriller. A bad guy shouldn't be trying to do a good thing in a thriller I think, which defeats the purpose of Gene Hackman's character. Characters weren't very well established, but acting was fairly good from both leads, but not so good from some of the supporting actors. A fairly good end to the film makes it at least a fair go, but it is still an unsatisfactory film for me.

Australian Classification: M 15+: Medium Level Violence, Medium Level Coarse Language

Rating: 47 out of 100
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