Generation X (1996 TV Movie)
Interesting Film
28 February 2000
I'm fairly lenient were it is concerned to comic to film productions, and with that in mind I enjoyed this film. I haven't seen it since 1996 (I taped over my recording), but I thought that it was pretty good. The characters weren't as close as one would like, but it was still really fun seeing the four-color characters brought to life.

It was on as a late-night movie where I live about eight months ago and I watched and enjoyed it again. Heather McComb was a standout as Jubilee. Hey, I didn't even have to look at the cast list to remember her name. Neato.

It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was at least a fun adaptation. I mean, how many comics have been made into films anyway. Gen X fans should be proud.

Have a good day then.
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