Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
No question, the best on TV
29 March 1999
It just doesn't get any better than this show. I've been watching since two or three episodes into the first season, and from the first episode I saw, I was hooked. Like a guy before me, I just have to agree: it's got something for everybody. Great drama, incredible action, and probably the best sense of humor on TV, alternating from dry and sophisticated to downright goofy. I could go on all day babbling ("I never babble! Occasionally I run-on, every now and then I yammer...") about the collective merits of the four female leads, but maybe if I just leave it at the fact that they're all GORGEOUS, that might get a few more males interested in this fine show. If you've dismissed it without even watching, simply because it's on the WB or "it looks like a show for pre-pubescent girls," then shame on you! Give it a chance, you won't be disappointed.
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