Review of B*A*P*S

B*A*P*S (1997)
B.lech A.argh P.uhleeze!
16 February 2003
There are no words... If this forum supported HTML I'd upload an image of a pool of vomit. And let that be the review.

And I luvz me a good, dumb-ass, mindless comedy ala "Scary Movie" or "Romy & Michele"...but this... it's just plain not funny. At all. Not once. Not even one good chuckle.

But I brought this torture upon myself because I knew Robert Townsend was the director *before* I shelled out my $9 to see it (I enter a plea of temporary insanity). And Mr. Townsend's movies have been as consistently amusing as an acute case of recurring anal-warts. I'm not at all sure how his career made it past the ultimately un-interesting rice-cake called "Hollywood Shuffle", and led to the opportunity for him to inflict "B.A.P.S." upon us... but *someone* in Hollywood thinks this man is funny. Probably the same guy who keeps giving Byron Allen & Alfonso Ribiero new projects to be sucky on.

This dreck is not "so dumb it's funny", it's just dumb-da-dumb-dum-dum. There's potential aplenty but every last intended joke falls a city block short of the target, and "B.A.P.S." owns the distinction of being one of only 3 movies I actually walked, no, make that RAN out of... "Grease 2" & "Johnny Mnemonic" being the others.

So there you go...
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