My 2 cents
22 November 1998
This movie really isn't as awful as people say. At least it kept me watching til the end - in the sort of way a mangling car pile-up keeps you watching. You don't want to look... but you just can't help yourself!

In typical Batman tradition, the film stays completely un-true to Bob Kane's comic creations, as Joel Shumacher seems intent on changing even the most trivial details such as who Batgirl's father is. This would all be ok if there was some other positive aspect of the film, but alas we find none. This film attempts something no other film has ever done: to have 7 main characters all in their own separate plot lines, making for a pot pourri of confusion and silliness.

Along with such films as "ID4" and "Armageddon", this film shows why hype-factories don't make good movies, and independent companies do, with films such as "Fargo" and "Slingblade".

In conclusion, it wasn't the worst movie ever made, but I gave it 4 out of 10. Do yourself a favor and rent Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, better than any of the Batman series.
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