Boogie Nights (1997)
A brilliant effort, Four Stars ****
30 November 2000
Paul Thomas Anderson is at it again. He continues to defy the conventional "wisdom" of Hollywood. Someone in the film industry should take notes when Anderson speaks. This film boasts the finest cast in recent memory, you simply can't lose with actors like William H. Macy, who is strong as ever here, is he the best character actor in film today? He just might be. Julianne Moore is tremendous as well, Don Cheadle nails his role dead on. Burt Reynolds is the perfect actor for his part and does not dissapoint. Heather Graham takes a role that many actresses would have shied away from and she just runs with it, lending an odd innocence to the film, while remaining sexy as the role demands. John C. Reilly, consistently lives his roles in Anderson's films, no wonder he keeps returning in them, he is great also. Philip Seymour Hoffman once again turns in a performance deeper than the role he was given, no surprise there. There are so many fine performances in this film, it is hard to define them all, but Mark Wahlberg had his coming out party here, he was surrounded by talented actors, but his role was pivotal to the success of the film, and he delivered. Paul Thomas Anderson does the best job of developing his characters, and allowing them to grow, of any of the directors currently working today. Outstanding. Four stars out of a possible four.
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