Childhood Sweetheart? (1997 TV Movie)
Two thumbs-up from a TV movie skeptic
11 July 2000
One of the best TV movies I've seen. I get a kick out of giving movies of this genre the MST3000 treatment, jabbing at the often ho-hum plots and predicting what's going to happen at every turn to anyone unfortunate enough to be watching with me. I often have the mysteries solved, and the plot licked, by about half-way through, and in most cases, I don't feel particularly compelled to sit through the second half. This one, however, captured me-- and although I did have it figured out pretty early on, it had just enough plot twists to keep me interested. The theme was very romantic, and haunting; the characters were realistic, emotional, and nicely developed and portrayed; the cinematography, especially from the haunting flashback scenes, was great; and the story was a teaser-- I caught every hint the writers' dropped, and they left me begging for more-- it was strangely enthralling: I saw it two hours ago, and I still can't get it out of my head. I enjoyed this film very much, and I think I would gladly watch it again. That's a lot coming from me.
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