A Humorous Romantic Comedy many can relate to-Contains General Spoilers
2 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is a unique film. It is a romantic comedy that is quite entertaining, yet very realistic and not over the top.

The film teaches a wonderful and valid lesson too: Don't let anyone else influence you with their ideas and beliefs about commitment and relationships. Before you know it, you may be left miserably regretting things. Meanwhile the person who gave you the ill-fated advice is in hot pursuit of the type of relationship you once had, but unfortunately ruined. I'm sure many of us have observed this sort of thing, if not experienced it first handedly in real life-someone sabotages their relationship with their significant other, whom they were happy with, because friends or relatives "convinced" them not to be limited sexually, or that they can find someone "better". But ironically things are down right disappointing by comparison, when the new lifestyle begins or the "better" girlfriend/boyfriend replaces the former.

The movie is worth watching in it's entirety to get the full effect of the bittersweet ending. Ideal for couples.
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