Review of Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu (1997)
Great movie, beautifully filmed, about real people (adults, at that).
17 April 1999
I wasn't expecting much of Deja Vu, but I was intrigued by the title. The fact that the cast included Vanessa Redgrave also intrigued me (she's among my short list of favorite actors). The movie was absorbing from the first moment. A beautiful woman, walking through a bazaar in Jerusalem. She seems at loose ends. What will happen to her? What happens is extraordinary, yet the story seemed real, as did the characters. Some less patient moviegoers might consider Deja Vu to be "talky," but that made the movie even more intriguing. The conversations seemed not to be "seen on film," but participated in. As you watched and listened, you were actually *there*. Only two other movies of recent memory (Babette's Feast and The Dead) gave me that feeling. The people were real, and (thank goodness) they were *adults*, each of whom had a fascinating story to tell. Deja Vu is a romance, a travelogue, a mystery, and a life lesson, all in one film.
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