Review of Event Horizon

Event Horizon (1997)
Big payoff
23 August 1999
I anxiously awaited for this film to open. I was very disappointed. It had a great premise but it just didn't make a lot of sense to me. In addition, I thought the technology depicted was very implausible. To me good science fiction must have enough reality in the story line to be enjoyable. The tale takes place 50 years in the future yet the Event Horizon is a gigantic ship with complete life support in addition to having artificial gravity which no scientist today has any idea how to produce in the manner portrayed. I also had problems with the ships orbit around Neptune. It was low enough in the atmosphere to be surrounded with clouds yet could remain at orbital speeds of tens of thousands of MPH and not burn up. I was able to predict the end of the movie (including the cheesy technique of leaving an ending which opens the possibility for a sequel) halfway through it. When I can do this I begin to loose interest. I liked the special effects as well as the acting, which I thought superb. I would never buy this movie for my home library.
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