I Loved This Movie
23 October 1999
I watched this movie with my sister last night on Cinemax and I must say this was absolutely brilliant! I am a big fan of Bill Plymptons animation which can be seen on Cartoon Sushi on MTV. OK it starts off with two birds having sex (which right there tells you that this movie is gonna be hilarious). The movie itself is about a guy with some kind of object lodged in the back of his neck that gives him all these crazy powers, and the government is trying to find him. Not only does this movie have a lot of funny sex scenes. It also has a lot of gratuitous violence, with brains and c**p coming out of peoples bodies. Bill Plympton is the master of animated violence. I recommend that everybody see this movie. It's so hilarious that you'll be laughing at it for days to come. Oh yeah the little songs in it are cute too
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