A genuine communist revolutionary movie that promotes revolutionary violence
25 September 1998
Ma 6-T va crack-er is one of a rare breed: a genuinely rebellious movie. But also a movie with a strong political perspective: the perspective of true marxist-leninist communism, the idea that we have to build a revolutionary communist party and that - although the working class strikes remain the center of the revolutionary process - spontaneous violent resistance from the poor suburbs (the "banlieue" around Paris and other large French cities, with a great majority of immigrants) will be an important part of the revolutionary process. This movie also makes a strong point about violence between proles: it says that poverty makes you direct your violence against ill-chosen targets (rival gangs, ...), but that one spark can set the plain on fire, that one "incident" (the cops killing one youth, for example) can redirect the just violence against the true enemies: the state, the bourgeoisie, the cops.
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