Better than I was expecting!
25 June 2001
So much better in fact, that I was compelled to laugh and enjoy a romantic comedy. Now for a male, that's quite something.

Opinion seems to be divided, but the haters of this film seem to have half-a-dozen main gripes:

1) That Julia Roberts doesn't know whether to do comedy or melodrama. Well, I think she needs to do both. She's not a particularly nice character remember - quite a selfish b*tch.

2) But I want Julia to be lovely and the other one to be horrid! Oh, and fall into the biggest cliché ever? Get a life! Can't you handle unconventional characterization? That's why Jules grows up during the course of the film - normally she's a hard-nose but really can't sustain it against someone who is so nice and emotionally vulnerable!

3) The portrayal of Kimberly is sexist. Yes, but she has squillions of dollars, so does it really matter so much? If I had a squillion dollars, I would probably do the same! She doesn't need to work and she knows it.

4) Dermott Mulroney was a plank. I agree.

5) I couldn't spot the plot coming. Well go watch a Disney movie fool!

6) I didn't like the ending. So? Do you think real life always has a sugary ending? The ending itself is reflective of the whole film. I mean did she actually deserve to have a man? No! Cos she has to go through the film to grow up. That's the point. She's now a more mature person who will get her reward in good time. That's the happy ending. She's become nice and considerate.

So as you can guess, I found the film bright and smart, not too mired in the woman-only scmaltz that surrounds these types of film and in fact subtly exhibited a darker side to the lead heroine that you wouldn't normally be allowed to see.

Rupert Everett puts in a good performance, but the 'gay friend' thing is becoming as stereotyped as the 'high-fiving cra-zeee black man'.

I would recommend this for men. It's pretty watchable without falling into puke-inducing cliché to often. And remember, take it at face value - 'it's just entertainment!'

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