Review of The Pest

The Pest (1997)
The Pest is an excellent comedic movie!
28 January 2003
I dont know why some people say that this movie is horrible. Its one of my favorite comedies.Leguizamo is an excellent actor he's like an hispanic Chris Tucker, One of my fave actors, The plot is excellent, and the acting is great. Leguizamo is absolutely Hilarious and everything is just so DAMN Funny. To those people who hate, please apreciate true comedic treasure when u see it. Everything is great and I love the racial slurs. To those who say only morons would watch this movie, I consider myself to be intelligent, and this movie is GREAT. If U like Chris Tucker U'll like John Leguizamo and this GREAT movie All comedies should be this damn good. SEE THIS MOVIE IF U WANT TO LAUGH!! Go out and rent it, Buy it NOW. Its one of the best comedies of the 90's. 9.5 out of 10. I know how to rate movies. Trust me, Not them.
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