one of the funniest films ever!!
3 June 2000
Tonight I had the opportunity to watch this film for the second time after my first viewing 2 years ago. It was released with close-to-none publicity in summer 1997 and I guess I was one of the handful people who went to see it. I had nearly dropped dead from laughing at that time and the effect was exactly the same this time: This really is one of the funniest films ever made. It is full of great one-liners, it moves at a brisk pace (in fact so brisk that when it ends you definitely wish that it would last a little longer) and Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino are dead-on in their portrayals of these two girls whom all of us would easily recognize from our own high school years. The film's design is an important element in enhancing its feel-good factor. The flashbacks and the dream sequence are very clever. As always Jeneane Garofolo is hilarious in a role which is tailor-suited to her: I still think she is under utilized in current filmmaking in Hollywood. And last but not least: The soundtrack is to die for for anyone who was a teenager during the 80s like me: "Time After Time", "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", "Venus", "Heaven is A Place on Earth" and many more on the same movie!

My rating: 9 out of 10
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