Review of The Ugly

The Ugly (1997)
not bad, but not really effective
27 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The Ugly is the kind of movie that wants the viewer to try to figure out what is really going on at the end. The trouble is, I didn't think the movie deserved my thinking time. I had the rare experience of knowing I could sit there and try to figure out the movie but feeling completely unwilling to give it any thought. I think the reason I felt this way is that I was never sure what the movie was trying to accomplish. Did it want me to feel sorry for a serial killer? Sorry, I won't go that far. Did it want me to appreciate its visual style? Okay, somewhat appreciated, but not thought-inspiring. Did it want me to decide what was a dream? It didn't set that up effectively.

***possible spoiler*** I feel like I am giving the movie too much credit to suggest this but... maybe the whole thing was a sweeping indictment of the criminal justice/mental institution system that made a serial killer out of a troubled kid. ***end of spoiler***

Kind of a whiny film, really. I can't call this movie bad, but I found it curiously ineffective.
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