Review of Everest

Everest (1998)
Awesome, breathtaking display of sheer human will
17 November 1998
I have not seen another movie which causes me to want to do something I know I will never physically be able to do. When I saw this, I wanted so bad to climb, to be there with all the others who had summited. I have, in place of actually climbing, resigned myself to reading every book I can, seeing every film I can on Everest and climbing. To see a group so dedicated to a goal, striving for that goal despite horrible weather and the deaths of friends, to see what all they had to go through is exhausting for the viewer. The interesting thing is that this is not rehearsed - it's all too real. The viewer leaves the film worn out but happy for the climbers. To anyone who has a sense of adventure, especially those who, like me, will probably only ever dream, this movie is a MUST see. It's been worth the $12 it cost me to see it twice in the theater and the $30 I paid for the video (watched the video at least 12 times).
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