Firestorm (1998)
Did Jerry Bruckheimer Do This ?
14 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!! SPOILERS !!!!

I couldn`t help noticing that this film was done in a dumb , spectacular Jerry Bruckheimer way . The two heroes save a little girl by throwing a blanket over themselves ! What`s wrong with that ? Nothing , except that the firestorm would have suffocated the trio by using up all the surrounding oxygen . The makers could have been forgiven for including this factual error by doing it the once , but screw up by drawing attention to it a second time during the climax where the hero correctly states the firestorm will use up all the oxygen outside the boat . So much for internal continuity .

Maybe I shouldn`t be so harsh because FIRESTORM isn`t a film that`s supposed to make you think . It`s one of those dumb Summer blockbusters that concentrates on spectacle and FX rather than logic , fact or characterisation and I`m slightly surprised that it didn`t do better since I never knew it existed untill I saw it on TV last night . It`s slightly similar to being a cross between TWISTER and CLIFFHANGER and is fairly enjoyable in a dumb blockbuster way , but I would have enjoyed it more if the criminals on the bus got fried . That`s the problem with these type of films - The hero saves everyone
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