16 April 2002
I love this movie. I've probably seen it at least 10 times. The last time I saw it, I was at the Red Cross donating platelets. The process takes up to 2 hours, and they let you bring in a movie to watch while you lie motionless in the donor chair. Imagine watching this film with fat needles stuck in BOTH of your arms . . .

Yes, this movie is choppy. Yes, this movie is uneven. But it all seems completely appropriate. None of that interfered with my total immersion into this gritty, stylish, and dark tale. Ben Stiller is absolutely fantastic. I found his performance very convincing. I think the best dramatic actors are those who came up through the avenues of comedy ("funny comes from a sad place"). Jim Carrey and Robin Williams are further proof of this -- no one can cry on cue like these guys.

Add in other terrific performances by Owen Wilson, Janeane Garofalo, Fred Willard, Peter Greene, Sheryl Ladd, Andy Dick, Charlie Fleischer, and even Jerry Stahl. There were some really shocking scenes in this film, especially the crack smoking scene where they jumped against the plate glass windows. Great film.
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