Why not an American perspective?
20 September 2002
It seems moviegoers either love or hate this film. Most Brits look down on it for neglecting the Allies perspective. Yes, it is a decidedly American film and why not? Yanks coming ashore at Omaha were not hand in hand with Brits nor did they care. They were with their buddies and they were there to stay alive and kill Germans...not just Nazis...Germans...the enemy. The five Sullivans were real and their tragic deaths ripped the heart out of most normal Americans at the time, and to this day. Americans would never again risk that heartache upon a single mother. Perhaps this did not occur with any British family, making it difficult for the audience to relate to this premise of the film.

Many say the first 25 minutes are excellent and then the film fades to standard. I believe the original hoopla is generated by the very real special effects. Few can deny that this film raised the bar for moviegoer battle sensation. The scene in the village, at the end, where Hanks, et al are awaiting the Panzers and the rubble shakes beneath them still sends chills up my spine. Hollywood movie? Sure! American as apple pie! And Hollywood will continue to make "Yank" films because...we will still find those eight Yanks today that will risk their lives to save one.
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