27 March 2000
I need not explain why Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is perhaps the most well-known movie of 1999. The Star Wars saga that has taken the world by storm for over 20 years finally continues with an all-new storyline, and seeks to explain some of the mysteries of the original trilogies.

Granted, not everyone will like it. When as much hype as the Phantom Menace had surrounds a movie, there are bound to be some letdowns. Even some fans of the original trilogy found that without their favorite characters the story was not as compelling. However, what people tend to overlook is the real genius at work here. George Lucas has succeeded in creating a story full of classic archetypes set in space--something never before attempted.

Star Wars (and more noticibly in The Phantom Menace) goes beyond science fiction. It goes beyond fantasy. Lucas' story is fun, nostalgic, spiritual, creative, and a breakthrough in movie technology. Ultimately, it is about humanity and it's constant fight to find balance. It cannot be rightfully compared to the stories of Star Trek, 2001: A Space Odessey, or The Matrix (which, for some reason, people have a tendency to compare to The Phantom Menace more than anything else). It's not perfect, but there again, few works are. To miss The Phantom Menace (or any Star Wars film) is to miss out on one of the most unique and innovative film experiences available. Don't miss it!
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