An Entertaining Comedy/Horror
2 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie last year at the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan. It was a Friday night, the perfect time to watch it, and I had a great time.

MINOR SPOILERS Stuart Stone plays a High School student who gets complaints from his teachers for having no ambition. So Stone decides he wants to be famous by becoming a serial killer. Along the way, Lisa Loeb (yes, Lisa Loeb), a fellow student and outcast finds out about his scheme and wants to be his first victim. She helps him become the part by grooming him, helping him research, etc. Unfortunately, he doesn't have it in him to kill people. And things get bad when killings start happening in his town, and he isn't the one doing them. SPOILERS END

This movie was very entertaining, though it seems a little cliched, it's a great movie to watch at night on the weekend. And you can't go wrong with a cameo from Cory Feldman.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find this movie since I saw it last year. I hope it comes to video soo.

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