Review of Dog Park

Dog Park (1998)
Unusual and charming. Explores the heart truthfully
6 September 2000
I liked it a lot. It's about people, not things or action or plot. That's uncommon these days, and should be applauded and supported by movie goers. People complain about f/x flicks, big cash blockbusters, and formulaic "lowest common denominator" pop-trash movies. That's a noble sentiment, but why not walk that talk? Why not get out to the theaters and pay to SEE movies that attempt to break out of the pop-culture molds? One of the reasons f/x (etc.) movies are almost all Hollywood makes anymore is because that's mostly all you and I pay to see anymore. Well, here's your chance to put your money where your mouth is and support something a little bit different.

"Dog Park" had a few annoying "snotty chick" cliches, but not too many, nor too bad. Whether or not this movie represents real life or not, I cannot say. Whether or not a movie, any movie, even SHOULD represent real life--who knows that, either? But, if art, good or bad, is designed to evoke a certain feeling, and certain vibes, then this movie does that very well. The specific events may or may not be "accurate," but the vibe and the results are.

Minor flaws aside-- and they are mostly mere quibbles-- this is a bright, charming, thoughtful movie about contemporary people. I think everyone could relate to, and benefit from, "Dog Park"'s exploration of the heart: its fear, courage, deadness, commitment and connection. I gave this movie an 8 out of 10.

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