Review of Driven

Driven (2001)
Without a Doubt,The Worst film of 2001
4 March 2002
A truly atrocious film, in that it never puts one foot right from the first reel to the last.Renny Harlin should really consider hanging up the directors hat after this (although the fact that he kept his job after Cutthroat island means he will probably be here for a long time)

For starters, Stallone slurs his words so badly that you virtually need subtitles to understand what he is saying.NEXT,the racing scenes which are supposed to be the highlight of this film are excruciatingly dull despite the fact that harlin has done everything humanly possible to liven them up,including some utterly terrible computer generated Car crash scenes that almost look like a cartoon and play like one(What's with the scene of the tire flying into the crowd???)

NEXT,with stallone really only playing a supporting character,the main characters of this film are people we simply dont connect with or care about.It doesnt help they we havent seen any of them before. Gina gershon is completely wasted as stallone former love who spends the first half of the film attacking him, and the second rooting for her new love(Get a new agent Gina puhlease).Ohh I think stallone has a new girlfriend in this film although she has virtually an invisible role.

I wont even ask about the stupid Humming stallone does while driving his car for inspiration(although I guess its better than listening to him sing).And the scene where jimmy and lucretia save whathisname from the burning lake,I was kinda amused how at the last second, we get a quick(and completely meaningless)shot of stallone running through the bushes to the crash site, almost as if during the post production of the film, the film makers decided to quickly throw in that shot cause they didnt want stallone looking as if he did absolutely nothing during that whole segment.

If the film at least had a sense of humour or some great one liners it may have worked. But this piece of trite is completely humourless which only makes it worse. Harlin does everything wrong in the direction of the film in pretty much every scene. The final race scene, again which is supposed to be the films highlight is drudgingly dull and nobody really cares who wins or loses except maybe for the people onscreen

Probably the only watchable scene is the chase through the streets of chicago which isnt great but may keep the viewer around a little while longer

Renny harlin did commentary on the dvd release of this film, which means he must be proud of this picture. All I can say is,Renny you made a mess of this flick so try and get your act together and have the dignity to leave this shameful piece of crap behind.

Although Freddy got fingered will probably beat this out as the worst film of 2001 by the razzie awards, FGF at least never tried to be a good film...This film did..and it full honours should go to this..and to everyone involved...and the film itself should be driven into a bleeding wall

I give it............0 out of 10
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