Oh My......
10 August 2000
There aren't very many movies where after I've watched them I've wanted my time and/or money back, but unfortunately this was one of them! After having endured the other 5 in this series, this one I was holding out for maybe a slightly different story twist or some more character development or something, but no, heaven forbid that'd happen!! Sitting through this felt like more of the same with some lame plot being given and then surprise, the dolls kill somebody! Oh sorry, I gave most of the movie away. The only major highlights of this movie were the underlining suspense throughout the movie, the top-notch animation of the puppets, and a rather nice surprise presence from Emily Harrison, who plays Jane carried my interest somewhat. However, the ending was probably the most abrupt and confusing ending ever, certainly leaving the door open for No. 7, heaven forbid that comes to light, which it probably will and I'll probably sit through that too.

Overall 2.5 out of 5
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