21 October 2001
The man who directed this soulless and totally unnecessary new version of Planet of the Apes cannot be the same man I have been adoring for the last 15 years. Where is the man who gave us wonderful and entirely unique movie experiences such as Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas and Sleepy Hollow? My theory is that he desperately wanted that his films make money again after the not-too-enthusiastically-received likes of Ed Wood and Mars Attacks, (how else can you explain his fruitless endeavour to resurrect the Superman franchise?) and after the relative success of Sleepy Hollow, he managed to gain access to Fox's resurrection of the Planet of the Apes franchise. However, I think that the studio interfered heavily with this "reimagining" of their beloved franchise and prevented him from making a usual Tim Burton film. The result is a terribly ordinary action adventure which is also an insult to the tradition of pessimistic sci-fi films that the original was so proudly part of. I cannot believe that my favourite director has his name stamped on this. I feel really deserted and I'm sure there are many Burton fans out there who feel the same way as I do. I WANT MY TIM BURTON BACK!!!
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