Review of Felicity

Felicity (1998–2002)
It's losing edge
26 August 2000
Why did those writers have to mess everything up? Why did they have to make the fans change the channel? Why did Ben and Felicity have to hook up? Not too many people thought it was a good idea and now we all know why. They have ZERO chemistry and are just plain stupid as a couple. Plus, Felicity devotes all her time now to getting more and more sex by going through boyfriends on her way back to Ben. You don't see Julie much anymore, and when you do, she has this pouty-hurty-feelsorryforme-Julie look. Get over the rape already! And Elena? It's a shame that she didn't know any virgins or anyone who planned to wait for their wedding for sex. That's just sad. Now, everyone knows that Felicity and Noel belong together. Why the writers don't understand that, we'll never know, but they don't, and now the ratings are dropping. This show has lost its edge.
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