Rarely are movies this good
31 October 2000
I'm not one for plot summaries; so I will get right to the point. Find this movie. Whatever you do...just find it! Beautifully photographed, excellently acted, brilliantly directed, "Lola and Billy the Kid" (U.S. video release title) is a deeply affecting movie that gives us a rare glimpse into the gay-Turkish subculture of modern Berlin and introduces us to characters who -- though they may be far removed from ourselves -- are heartbreakingly real, utterly dynamic, and upliftingly human. The Suddendeutche Zeitung said this movie "has a touch of West Side Story and a pinch of Rebel Without a Cause." It is a very accurate statement. As one who tries to see every gay-themed film out there, I can honestly say that Lola jumps to the top of the list... a well-crafted, brilliant piece of filmmaking that is not only one of the best gay-themed films I've see, but also one of the best films of any genre I've come across. Like "My Beautiful Laundrette," Lola made me laugh, made me cry, and made me want to know more about the subculture and racial dynamics it represents.
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