Review of Hurrah

Hurrah (1998)
Surprisingly surprising
15 February 2001
Hurrah is the story of a man, Raoul, who leaves behind city life and to an extent civilization after the death of his life time love Mazzy. With all the money Raoul has from the insurance pay out from Mazzy's death Raoul purchases an abandonded outback property in the Northern Territory of Australia. For over a year Raoul lives in seclusion with only occasional human contact from the friendly local hermit Yakel and the untrusting townsfolk were Raoul buys his food and water. Raoul's only friends apart from Yakel appear to be his pet dog and a donkey which wanders Raoul's property. One day Raoul sees a mysterious woman in red walking up his 2 kilometer long drive way from the road to his house. The woman, Laura, has crashed her car into Raoul's fence. Raoul offers Laura a room for the night and says he will fix her car. That night Raoul and Laura tell each other their reasons for escaping the world, Raoul because of Mazzy and Laura because of her two failed relationships with different men at the same time. At this point in the film it becomes quite obvious that the story has changed from one man's journey into madness to a love story between Raoul and Laura. Laura leaves the next day and then returns later wanting to stay with Raoul and hide from the two men who she fears are trying to find her.

Will Laura's trackers find her? Will Raoul be able to choose between Laura and the memory of Mazzy? Or is everything just a hallucination in Raoul's mind?

The ending surprised me a little, not because it was particularly new or inventive but just because watching what I thought would end up being a typical love story didn't finish in a typical way.

This is definitely enjoyable if you can find a copy, although I imagine it would be hard outside of Australia.
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