The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1998 TV Movie)
Interesting Effort
9 March 2004
I like this movie a lot. Proof that Ted Turner's people are better off sticking with "made for TV" movies as opposed to trying to go "big screen" (see: "Gods and Generals" for one such disaster).

I did not particularly care for some of the "MTV-like" camera angles and going from color to black and white (hopefully this "fad" will die a quick death).

Lance Henrickson is a fine actor and did a great job as Lincoln. Unlike Henrickson, Lincoln was a "western" country hick with a higher pitched voice and did not have the graceful mannerisms Henrickson protrayed in this film (I blame the casting, not Henrickson, for this), but it's no big deal, unless you are a nit-picker who liked to show off your deft knowledge of history.

Rob Morrow kicked ass as Booth. Another very underrated actor.

Here again, as in the TNT effort "Andersonville" which in my view is the most unique and my absolute favorite Civil War movie to date, I believe that the using of mostly "role actors" pays off.

Bizarre as it may sound, I really believe that background, incidental music can make or break a movie, especially a period piece such as this. And with this movie, it's excellent!

I doubt Hollywierd will ever treat Lincoln on the "big screen" again (as has been done before many many years ago). So I guess we will have to settle for TV efforts like this. And if they are all this good, that could be a good thing!
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