The Legendary Super Saiyan.. what a great movie!!
10 December 2002
This film marks the longest of all the Dragonball Z movies. Over an hour in length and could actually pass as a full feature film. It also has one of the most complex storylines of all the rest of the movies. I won't say much about it, as it's storyline is it's strogest point with fighting coming in a close second. Brolli, who is apparently the REAL Legendary Super Saiyan, is intent on destroying the galaxy and it's up to the Z team to stop him. Well, it's more fun to watch what happens than for me to tell it. Let's just say that Brolli goes through some wicked transformations and does some brutal, brutal damage to the Z team. He's unstoppable through much of the film and when he does say something it's usually pretty wicked or scary. Like... "Monster? No, I'm the devil!"

You'll enjoy this movie so very much it'll make your head spin. It's a great collage of great storytelling and fighting. But once you've seen it a few times it begins to lose it's impact. So make sure that first viewing is a good one! ;)
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