The worst movie I've ever seen in an arthouse theatre
5 August 2003
This is one of those typical pretentious, overrated French (wannabe)"arthouse" movies that make you regret wasting your time on it. It confirms all the negative stereotypes about arthousefilms. It's just so bad, it's uncomfortable to watch.

All the main characters in this film are very unsympathetic. Maybe all French people are (I hope not!), but the lead girl just behaved like a spoiled bitch and her loverboy had no heart or backbone whatsoever. And he was ugly to boot! French "heroines" always seem to be incredible bitches, except for Joan of Arc perhaps, but in this movie you see another of those typical French "difficult" women (in this case a euphemism for bitch). There's no good reason to like her. So if you're into watching films with reasonably recognizable or likeable main characters avoid this pretentious drivel at all cost.

What I also hate about this movie is that it shows a dreamworld, but one completely without imagination. They just left things out, like parents and responsibility for your actions and inactions.

If you want to watch a nice french movie you're better off with the Taxi films, at least they don't have as much pretense as this piece of trash.

The problem is, in France movies and other "artforms" are subsidized by the government to favor them over foreign material (pure protectionism but somehow they get away with it despite being part of the European Union). So they keep making this crap, even though I suspect not even the French watch it!!!

2 out of 10 because I have seen even worse
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