Review of Dick

Dick (1999)
8 August 1999
... for anyone old enough to have seen the Watergate hearings on television the first time around, or who still remembers people telling Bebe Rebozo jokes.

I have no idea how anyone under 35 would react, there were so few at the theatre.

Dave Foley's H.R. Haldeman haircut had me in stitches. You see his scalp; what an unexpected trip down memory lane.

Saul Rubinek was a hoot as Henry Kissinger, although he couldn't quite compare to Paul Sorvino, uncanny in that part in "Nixon".

Everyone's character seemed right on. Exaggerated of course, naturally. Even the two halves of Woodstein, a nice bit of caricature.

The two young girls -- Dunst and Williams -- are stellar. The girls' final action of the movie seemed out of character to me, but that struck the only false note I heard in this funny film.
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