A wonderful film
16 February 2001
Being a Big Fan of the highlander series..I thoroughly enjoyed this film...from Start to End.

I know many people have complained that in highlander 2, Connor Mcloud lives into the future, But in my Opinion...Highlander 2 was a Mistake. It had nothing to do with the story and was a lousy film.

I know that producers have taken a path similar to Star trek generations.That is to have the former star Killed off...and have the newer one take his place in case more highlander films come along. But I have no complaints about that.

Even if these films have no Continuity..(and Im Sure Leonard Maltin has his knives out ready to savage the film)...I feel they should be enjoyed for what they are...After all, How much Story did Phantom menace or Twister have....Almost none.

So sit back and lap up and enjoyable series...and Ignore what all the cynics think...after all it isnt brainfood...its good ole fashioned fun.
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