Brave New World (1998 TV Movie)
18 July 2002
I had thought if Brave New World was ever made into a movie, that chances are it would be disappointing, at the least. When I found out that it was made into a TV miniseries, I suspected worse. I couldn't rent or purchase it at any video stores so I went to the Museum of Television and Radio in NYC to watch it.

TRAGIC! It was even worse than I suspected. The characters were two-dimensional and not representative of that particular society. The subtraction of key characters and subplots (e.g. Helmholtz Watson, Bernard's job being in jeopardy) streamlined this future fable into a candy-coated, one-track, superficial piece of garbage that not only refused to address the (subtext) issues that Huxley was concerned about, but flat-out changed the underlying theme.

BNW is not about finding paradise or utopia, it's about the soul and spirit of humanity and how, even when buried under controlled circumstances, it finds it's way to the surface.
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