Thirteen Days (2000)
I was anxious to see this wonderful movie
1 April 2002
It was a pleasant summer day on the Bulgarian coast. The year was 1962. Two men were walking along the seaside near the wonderful Palace of Evksinograd, near the town of Varna talking to each other. The Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and his Bulgarian partner and colleague Todor Zhivkov had a lot to discuss... Probably at that moment the Soviet leader for the very first time mentioned that he had intention to deploy medium range ballistic missiles in his new ally Cuba. No one can say exactly how it all began, but many say that Todor Zhivkov unsuccessfully tried to persuade Khrushchev not to do so... The rest of the story is very well known. The movie Thirteen Days appeared in Bulgaria in 2001. Almost no one saw it and that`s pitty. Once again Kevin Costner stars in a realistic and even shocking political film, which, in my opinion stands along with the classic JFK. And both movies are closely connected. I was delighted to see this masterpiece and a month ago I bought it on a video tape. Probably the most important lesson one can learn from it is that the Greatb Powers are closely connected, much more than officially admitted. And we, the common people on the Planet, will never be aware of what really happens on the Great Stage of World Politics!
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