Guyver: Out of Control (1986 Video)
Blows Bio-Booster away.
15 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Out of Control along time ago, and recently bought it on Ebay.

I had heard that this OAV (Only Available on Video)is how the Guyver creators wanted it to be, and its animation is at least 10 times better than the Bio Boost manga series.

It is also incrediably dark and almost scary. The Bio booster series had some cute and some funny moments, and was full of different characters, while this short film however, has anything but. Sho Fukamachi is still the main character, but gone are Agito, Tetsuro and any of the characters you met along the way. Mizky is still Sho's love, and that is also sharply brought more into focus. Chronos also seems more powerful in this episode... we see the Special task teams sent out to get the lost Units, we also see Zoanoid Cops, crooked Government Officials, and most impressively, Guyver II is female. (Oh, and does she ever give Guyver I a butt whoopin!!)

Guyver III makes a special appearance at the end, but we are never clued in as to whom he may be, as this was never further developed.

The whole episode also shows the true downside of being a super hero, where as the series makes you think of how great it would be to have these powers. For example some of Sho's close friends are wiped out while right in the middle of school and Mizky is kidnapped only to get Sho to reveal he is the Guyver.

The last scene also shows the difficult choice Sho must make if he wishes for his loved ones to return to a normal life.
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