Sexy Amateur Video Posing as a B-movie...
29 November 2003
In the opening scene one gets the unmistakable feel of a home movie. Does anybody here remember "Super 8mm film?" So much for the cinematography. Most of the characters are overdone stereotypes, beginning with Damon Bradshaw (Steven Curtis Boe who is portrayed in the sleaziest possible manner as the out-of-luck artist. The gangster characters, as portrayed, would bring a grin to the face to any real self-respecting crook. The dialog used to portray the street characters makes the grunts of the WWF sound Shakespearean. How many ways can we say "overdone?"

If you can buy into the "ESP" gimmick (see the plot summary), the plot has possibilities. Requirements of a plot in this genre are, of course, minimal. It just has to create some semi-plausible occasions for a beautiful woman to take off her clothes and perhaps simulate copulation with some other scantily-clothed person of either gender. ESP makes good on this expectation. Lorissa McComas (as Monica) and Sage Kirkpatrick (as the unnamed exotic dancer) are the more experienced providers of the nude scenes, although their roles are small. With half a dozen other actresses, whose names you probably do not know nor will long remember, chipping in to do their parts, there is no shortage of exposed female skin.
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