Sometime it is great to be surprised
23 August 2002
I wanted to see this one at the movies, but after hearing it was no good from what I considered good sources, I decided against it. Having seen it at the DVD-rental store many times, often almost grabbing it, but deciding against it remembering how horrible it was supposed to be. Finally one day, finding nothing else, I rented it. And I loved it! It is great, finding jewels unexpectedly like this, as when one watches as many films as I do, the only great films you see are the newest ones. After watching it, I went to the user comment area here on IMDb and tried to find out why people have given it such low rating. Further more, this was an Oscar performance from Milla Jovovich, but apparently the film wasn't even nominated (based on what I can see here on IMDb). This film is in the category, `either you get it, or you don't', or `either you love it or hate it'. I didn't know anything about Joan of Arc, and maybe that is why I liked it, watching it as a film rather then historical documentary. The film leaves me with a comfortable feeling. Before I watched it, I was afraid that we would see some saint of a woman, and how un-human and holy she was in what she did. Instead we see a young woman, plagued with the notion of purpose, extreme determination, while never fully understanding why or what is happening. Joan of Arc is much more of a hero to me after seeing this film, because the film is about her as a woman, rather then some supernatural being. 9/10
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