Review of Pilot: Part 1

Seven Days: Pilot: Part 1 (1998)
Season 1, Episode 1
the producers of the series thinks we're stupid
1 September 2000
There are a couple of things that I find annoying about this series. Firstly, the time travel bit. Whenever Parker (LaPaglia) travels back through time (called a backstep) and ends up seven days in the past, won't there then be two Parkers, one Parker from the original time line, and the other Parker from the future? But every time I watch the series, invariably Parker travels back through time and then calls up the centre with the codename conundrum. But where is the original Parker who was lounging around the centre at that time (well, I suppose he might not have been at the centre at that time but he still had to be somewhere)? I mean how do you explain this? I thought about it (yeah, I know I should get a life) and I thought maybe whenever Parker travels through time, he'll end up landing (along with the sphere) on the original Parker (Parker from the past), killing, or better still, annihilating him altogether. But this won't work either since there are episodes where the sphere ends up in space and there was no indication that the original Parker went to space during the time. And since the professor whatshisname, the one in the wheelchair, has actually mentioned that you can't actually predict where the sphere will end up, that basically means the theory can't be used because if it were true, that means you would be able to predict where the sphere will end up (basically, it'll end up wherever Parker was seven days ago). The thing is, this issue is never dealt with at all in the series. And it annoys me like hell. And then there's that concept where you could only travel seven days to the past. Can't Parker travel back seven days, hop on to the sphere again (and he can choose between the sphere he came with or the sphere from the past--- this is the same problem with that multiple Parker issue), and travel back another seven days. Then there would be no seven day limit at all. Oh yeah and there's another thing I don't understand. What is the criteria necessary for a backstep to be authorized? There is one episode where a marriage ceremony involving royalties from different countries was sabotaged (blown up) and people (including the bride and groom if I'm not mistaken) were killed. A backstep was issued to prevent the sabotage. Personally I do not think such an event warrants a backstep. The thing is, the criteria for backstep was never established accurately. I believe that the conflicts that could arise out of deciding whether or not to backstep would increase the appeal of the show. Well, that's basically my view of the series, which I admit is rather on the negative. I can't really think of good stuff to talk about the show, I suppose because I just can't get over the negative points. I mean, it could have been a decent show only if the writers had stopped to think about these obvious things. Therefore I have vowed not to watch the series anymore because it only results in grief and bewilderment to myself and I feel it has zero entertainment value.
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