Seven Days: Pilot: Part 1 (1998)
Season 1, Episode 1
This is a fantastic show with many great plots
20 July 2001
I really enjoy this show. I've been watching it for 1 and a half seasons now and I keep expecting it to repeat itself, but it hasn't! Each episode is unique and interesting, yet not like any other episode. In addition to changing the various catastrophes Parker goes back to avoid (nuclear annihilation, assassination, terrorist bombings, leaks of biological warfare, etc.), the writers actually vary something about the going-back process. Once it was multiple backsteps when Frank tried to get it all perfect; once it was a trip into an alternate universe when a test backstep coincides with a power surge (and this had characters in very different roles, if you were familiar with them before); once it was a voodoo practitioner summoning the white god "Shakazulu" and getting Frank through an odd series of coincidences--and he really does help her friend. It's clever but not in an in-your-face kind of way.

There is ongoing tension in the old animosity-hiding-intense-attraction department between Olga and Frank, and this gets resolved very satisfactorily. Sometimes she declares her love for him, so we get to see them "together", but usually he has to backstep, so it's all back to normal and he's the only one who remembers what was and what could have been. This is true of all the relationships on the show. So the balance never gets destroyed, but we get the satisfaction of seeing what's been suggested for so long.

Anyway, I highly recommend this show. I started watching it because Wednesdays are usually dead before 9:00 (I could not get into Dark Angel), but now I actually go out of my way to catch it. The main character is not the typical leading man but I like that, less formulaic. The ensemble acting and writing are really very good. And there's plenty of explosions and car chases to go around.
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