The most stupid and distorted vision of the violence in Peru ever
12 March 2001
I began to see the movie thinking that I was going to enjoy it. And you know what?: I did. It is so bad that most of the time I couldn't help it but laugh. Who was the movie's historical advisor? A Mexican citizen? A Chicano? It is no wonder that Disney did "The Emperor's New Groove" and everybody loved it, having that Hollywood thinks of all Latin-Americans as Mexican-like clones. The music is so bad chosen that I almost forgot that I was seeing a movie about Peru and started looking for "Zorro" or Speedy Gonzales. For God's sake! Couldn't they put some real Peruvian music?

Moreover, the dialogues, situations and characters are so ridiculous that I am wondering how Christopher Atkins agreed to do this movie. Poor guy! And with him, all the other "A-Team" and "MacGyver" extras that acted here.

How could anybody possibly think of terrorists in Peru as romantic, heroic heroes, so charming and cult that a foreign ambassador held as hostage would fall in love with one of them after one night? And what about the American journalist that managed to hide himself for months among the crowd of hostages before being recognized? Give me a break!
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