Genocyber (1994)
Confusing And Atmospheric.
19 November 2000
Genocyber is a film that trys to do something radical and new. Strangely it fails and succeeds. After watching this movie you'll be able to say you've never seen anything like it before.

The first thing that must be said about Genocyber is the plot doesn't or won't make a lot of sense (on first viewing any). After watching it a few times though I still struggle to make sense of it. This is one of the two bad points of the movie. The second negative side to the film is the overwhelming amount of gore and violence. It really will phase you the first time you see thousands of limbs and internal organs scattered around a hospital or when someone rips open their head to spill all their brains on the floor. Totally disgusting but....

Perhaps this violence is deliberete. It definitely adds to the whole atmosphere of the film and this is Genocybers strong point. The atomosphere. The superb errie soundtrack, the halucagenic camerwork and, of course, the extreme violence all meld together to create a strange but fascinating film.

Genocyber is 'alternative cinema' more than it is 'cyberpunk'. It's well worth seeing if you get the chance but don't rush out because it's not to everyones taste.
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