Children, can you say Brilliant Satire?
8 December 1999
FAIR WARNING: Southpark contains over 340 obscenities, racial slights a-plenty, sacrilegous material, graphic sexual content and violence, and enough satire to make Swift raise an eye brow.

Tell me that you've seen this movie! (It certainly picked me up after that abysmal EPISODE I.) If you love the show, just believe me when I say that you'll literally choke with laughter during the film. It's easily the best comedy I've seen so far this year. If I had to describe this film in two words "Brilliant Satire" would effortlessly come to mind.

My only real concern is that half of the audience will probably miss the satire and especially the film's overall important message against censorship and intolerance. That is exactly why this raunchy film should not be seen by children. (It's rated "R" anyway.) The only thing that the kiddies will come away with is a warped-mind full of profanity. Adults, on the other hand, will be either too busy laughing at or being appalled by Southpark's nastiness, which is fine, but to do so at the exclusion of getting the point is an insult to the brutal satiric genius of this work. That said, Southpark is not for the squeamish, religious, easily offended, those impenetrable to satire--who could easily be part of the former--and especially not for young children under 17 years-old.

Quibbles: Other than exploding the brains of unsuspecting children who see this film, and they _will_ see this film (not unlike the boys of the film itself!), despite being explicitly prohibited, South Park is maybe ten minutes too long. I'm sorry, but after about twenty minutes, small, rotund, and badly-animated characters spewing expletives gets ever so old, which is exactly why the movie needed either more satire or simply _had_ to be shorter.

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