Tex Murphy: Overseer (1998 Video Game)
pretty entertaining
27 September 1998
Video games are still not at the level of getting top Hollywood talent, so it comes as no surpise that the acting in Overseer will not win any Oscars. Still the game is downright entertaining. Chris Jones (who got the role by producing Under A Killing Moon for Access) does a good job in the title role. The cast around him is decent. Most notable is Clint Howard, who recently won the 1998 MTV Movie Awards Lifetime Achievement Award, in a bit part. Some of the dramatic moments are overdone and the acting will highlight that. The plot is an interesting one with Tex telling the story of his first case to his girlfriend. The story being told in flashback puts an interesting spin on the whole "you mess up and die" thing. Overall this would do as a pure B-movie shown late night on cable, but it's one of the ones you'd watch until it finished at 3 A.M.
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