Review of Aftermath

Aftermath (1994)
Art in a Dario Argento's way
23 April 2003
I've seen Nacho Cerdà's Aftermath in a local theater and I must say it blows my mind! More than it's disturbing plot, the film is a visual piece of art. Cerdà combines classical music with traveling, smooth camera's movements and fade in order to hypnotize the viewers (reminding us the camera works of the italian master Dario Argento). Also, he uses large shots to out distance the viewers from the events; allowing us to see how disturbing the dead girl's rape is. Is aesthetic is clinical, like the morgue where the short takes place, and fits perfectly with Cerdà's purpose. Finally, the sound effects are very realistic and disturbing (the sound man did a marvelous job). Also note that Cerdà uses students and teachers pathologists to build the movie's special effects (and the actions of his main character who is a pathologist).

I would resume with one phrase : Cerdà's Aftermath is an art masterpiece.
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