Angel's Dance (1999)
The ending is the way a movie lover would want it to be.
27 May 1999
This movie started kinda slow. In fact, I didn't really care about it all. Then I started watching it as the plot got going a bit. I mean, at first I was thinking, Ok, movie about a guy who's trying to kill a random girl in the phone book. Whoopee. Then I saw him (Tony) trying to snipe from across the street, in plain sight. Man, this guy's got MAD assassin skillz. Anyway, once the target starts fighting back, the movie starts getting REAL good. I mean, aside from the fact that these people couldn't hit the ground if they were falling, everything else falls together. They've even accounted for the proper amount of bullets in the gun!!! How many movies have THAT amount of foresight? And the ending is killer. My roomates and I were yelling about this one at 1:30 in the morning, and undoubtedly p****d off a whole bunch of our neighbors. The movie is just incredible for the ending alone.
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