ordinary ename film
17 September 2000
Let me cut to the chase-the problem with this film is kevin spacey. Don't get me wrong, spacey is still one of the greatest actors in contemporary film, and he plays well here too- but the fim itself is nice at best and after being accustumed to associate spacey with masterpieces like: "American beauty", "se7en" to name just a few, an o.k. simply doesn't cut it.

On to the film, michael lynch is a sophisticated irish, fun loving, pro-bigamy (married to two women who get along, sci-fi movie right there) kind o'criminal who overcomes the obstacles that the unpotent english cops post him. after the theft of some very expensive paintings, the brits decide to fight it the old nasty way- making the everyday lives of michael and his family a nightmare. michael knows that there are two ways to end it: turning himself in or getting killed. I won't give away the ending but this gordian tie is untied in an unexpected way (no match for the "usual suspects", though)

the REAL blame for this movies' mediocracy is the director who, to my unlearned opinion, failed to give spacey the proper background for irish heritage, at one point you see spacey struggling to join a his fellow gang members while they chant an irish folk song. I think that a good director should give the actor a couple of days of atmosphere absorption before shooting the first reel but that's me. I wouldn't worry about old kevin though, seems to me that despite a few hitches, he sure knows what scripts to pick and at his current status, he can get any script he want.I think he chose this film for his own entertainment, if it's not on T.V. it probably won't be yours. 6.5 in my scale.
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