Rather predictable made-for-cable Giallo
14 July 2002
This Italian-German TV-co-production tells the story of Doriana, a young lawyer, who moves to Rome, because a criminal she convicted has escaped prison and threatens to kill her. But the flat she takes in Rome doesn't bring her any luck either: In her new flat, unbeknownst to her, a call girl called Corinne has been stabbed to death almost a year ago, and the killer has never been caught. As soon as she lives there, she gets anonymous telephone calls and other hints to the murder. When she learns about the unsolved case, she starts to investigate by herself.

Veteran director Maurizio Lucidi, who also directed the mediocre Giallo "La Vittima Designata" in 1971, made a rather slow moving and talkative thriller, which doesn't really live up to its premise (the killing of Corinne in the opening scene, the rather uncanny atmosphere at the beginning of Doriana's time in Rome). There are some neat moments, but not enough of them. Too often, the characters lose themselves in overlong dialogue that doesn't really push the plot forward. Worst thing is, though, that the identity of the killer, which is revealed rather unmotivatedly after two thirds of the film, is more predictable as in most Gialli. For a TV-production, "La Casa Dove Abitava Corinne" at least has some above average eerie moments and three rather unpleasant (if not gory) knife killings. But compared to the average Giallo, it's just not thrilling enough. Rating: 4 out of 10.
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